JANUARY 1995 and before
A dangerous adult only cyberspace contained no resources to protect children.
Exon/Coats Communications Decency Act Introduced
SafeSurf Advocates an Internet Classification System.
MAY 1995
SafeSurf introduces the concept of a cyberplayground of safe sites.
Filtering Software Company SurfWatch Ships Software
JUNE 1995
The Media reports that teenagers are running away to meet chat room strangers.
SafeSurf Introduces Internet Lifeguard with Online Safety Basics.
Information Highway Parental Empowerment Group (IHPEG) Formed. Its formation serves as a catalyst to the formation of the PICS Alliance in September 1995.
Senator Exon's Admenment Passes Senate
SafeSurf Releases Rating Standard and introduces the concept of placing rating tags in the headers of HTML documents. SafeSurf goes on to become the champion of this form of self-rating as a member of the PICS Alliance.
CYBERsitter and
Net Nanny Filtering Software are Introduced
Representives Cox & Wyden Introduce the Family Empowerment Act, an Anti-Exon Internet Amendment.
JULY 4, 1995
SafeSurf, together with a direct descendent of a signer of the Declaration of Independence, issue the Declaration of an Independent Internet, the first document to define the rights of all who use the Internet.
JULY 1995
OpenMarket issues an Internet Draft advocating that a universal Web rating system should be developed.
The Internet Task Force (ITAA) begins work on on its White Paper on Internet and Industry Self Regulation. This effort is eventually replaced by the PICS Alliance.
SafeSurf provides Congress with an alternative proposal to the Senator Exon & Rep. Cox Internet Decency Admendments introduced. This proposal opposes censorship and focuses on providing protection against online pedophiles and porn predators.
Software companies demo early filtering solutions for Congress. Most employ keyword filtering and maintaining "bad site" lists.
Cox & Wyden Amendment Passes House. The compromise became the Communications Decency Act.
SafeSurf unites with the PICS Alliance to develop of a universally available HTTP protocol for rating Web content (note: PICS formally announces formation in September).
TeacherSoft Releases InterGO, the first server based filtering software solution.
SafeSurf helps the CyberAngels to get on the Web.
Cyber Patrol becomes the first filtering software to recognize SafeSurf Ratings.
Grassroots effort results in a mass National Day of Protest Against Internet Censorship
Congress Passes Communications Decency Act which focuses on government censorship as a solution.
The Internet Goes Black in a mass mourning and protest over the new censorship law.
MARCH 14, 1996
Representive Eshoo Introduces the Online Parental Control Act
MARCH 21, 1996
The trial to challenge the Communications Decency Act (CDA) begins.
JUNE 12, 1996
A Preliminary Injunction is granted against the CDA in 3-0 decision in Federal Court.
Microsoft adds PICS support to Internet Explorer with Content Advisor.
OCTOBER 4, 1996
CyberAngels unveil an extensive resource on preventing Cyber-Stalking.
OCTOBER 21, 1996
SafeSurf releases a breakthrough Internet Filtering Solution for schools, libraries, ISPs, and business intranets.
JUNE 26, 1997
The Supreme Court rules that the CDA is unconstitutional.
JULY 16, 1997
SafeSurf meets with President Clinton and introduces the legal concept of negligent publishing in its Proposal for a Safe Internet Without Censorship.
JUNE 17, 1998
Netscape and SafeSurf announce an alliance to make the SafeSurf Rating System a standard browser feature with NetWatch.
OCTOBER 7, 1998
In response to the Supreme Court ruling the CDA unconstitutional, Congress passes Child Online Protection Act.
JULY 20, 2000
SafeSurf testifies before the Commission on Online Child Protection, a congressionally created commission mandated by the Child Online Protection Act (COPA), which was approved by Congress in October 1998.
JUNE 29, 2004
The Supreme Court of the United States, in Ashcroft v. ACLU, concludes that the filtering solution originally proposed by SafeSurf is a better way to protect children than COPA (The Child Online Protection Act).