SafeSurf Press Release
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . October 21, 1996

Contact : Vincent Jules
Press Phone : (818) 613-1415
E-mail : press at safesurf dot com

SafeSurf Unveils Breakthrough Internet Filtering Technology

Van Nuys, CA - A breakthrough in Internet filtering technology to protect children was unveiled today by SafeSurf, authors of the Internet's first rating system. Called the SafeSurf Internet Filtering Solution™, this revolutionary approach filters adult content at the server level, eliminating problems faced by existing filtering products installed on individual computers. The software utilizes both the SafeSurf Rating System and proprietary search technology to build large databases of content for schools, libraries, business intranets and Internet Service Providers.

"Since our inception in early 1995, parents and educators from all over the world have come to SafeSurf for help in protecting their children online," stated Wendy Simpson, SafeSurf's President. "We are very excited to complete the process by providing a revolutionary filtering solution built with the help of the entire Internet community through their support of the SafeSurf Rating System," she added.

Parents no longer have to deal with installation headaches or worry that software may be tampered with or disabled. Instead, they may simply sign up for a SafeSurf Family Account through a local ISP to protect their children online. Schools, libraries and businesses may also purchase the customizable SafeSurf Internet Filtering Solution™ for their internal networks. The system, a collaboration between SafeSurf and netFiltering Technologies, updates itself every 24 hours with new sites which have been added to the SafeSurf database.

"Since our inception, we have advocated the development of a content filtering system that is easy to use, tamper-proof, works on all computers without requiring special client software, and protects children without government censorship," stated Ray Soular, Chairman of SafeSurf. "With the introduction of the SafeSurf Internet Filtering Solution, this previously impossible wish has become a reality," he added.

In the SafeSurf tradition of positive Internet publishing, the SafeSurf web site ( features information on the filtering system, safety tips at the Internet Lifeguard page, and activities for children at Kid's Wave. New additions for intranet administrators will include a comprehensive Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) outlining employee guidelines for Internet use, along with tips and information on employee surfing.

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